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Interpreting Text

The following books are used in interpreting programs across the country. I hope you enjoy reading them and get a lot of information out of them. To purchase a textbook, please click on the title below each book.



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four very appreciative interpreters who impact several
deaf students daily.


"ASL to English Interpretation: Say It Like They Mean It."



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Phil. 4:4-6


Book of Interest
A great textbook which provides students with drills and activites in fingerspelling as used within ASL discourse by Elizabeth M. Mendoza. Help your students with ABC-123 Student Workbook and Practice DVD.


Student Testimonial

"I took the NIC written test yesterday and passed!  I am really excited!  Your book really helped especially the chapters on parts of speech.  I had forgotten how confusing that can be, but now I have it pretty well down." Maureen (IPP student)