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Interpreter, Presenter,Mentor

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Textbooks by Jean Kelly
  Description Price

Voicing/ASL to English Interpretation

"ASL-to-English Interpretation: Say It Like They Mean It"

This book looks at difficulties and issues that can arise as interpreters work between ASL and English, with exercises at the end of every chapter. This book will not only give students currently studying interpreting an opportunity to learn how to interpret from ASL to English, but will also give students the opportunity to discuss and work on the task of the English interpretation with their teacher and fellow students.

121 pages, 8.5 x 11 trim size, spiral bound, soft cover.







"Transliterating: Show Me The English"

This is one of the most important new texts for interpreting students! This text provides a comprehensive overview of the task of transliterating, and its primary goal is to serve as a standardized curriculum for students currently enrolled in IPPs who have taken at least one semester of interpreting skills.

120 pages, 8.5 x 11 trim size, spiral bound, soft cover.





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Phil. 4:4-6